Trauma Therapy in North Carolina

Do Reminders Of Past Trauma Interfere With Your Daily Life?

Have you been avoiding certain situations because you don’t want to encounter painful triggers? Are you struggling with shame, anxiety, or guilt over your trauma responses? Do you have trouble maintaining healthy relationships after living through trauma?

Many people crossing the street at one time both ways. Trauma treatment in Pineville, NC can help you with minimize trauma triggers. A Trauma therapist in North Carolina can support you.

Are you suffering from panic attacks? Do you feel like traumatic events will happen again? Have you tried changing your routine to lessen your chances of facing triggers? But now, you feel like you’re avoiding places and activities that you used to enjoy.

Perhaps your “fight or flight” reaction kicks in when something brings your trauma to mind. You might get the urge to run, even if you know that you’re physically safe. Maybe you’ve found yourself sleeping more often. Simply because you feel safest when you don’t have to face the world.

You may have trouble connecting with your loved ones after a traumatic event. At times, you might feel like you don’t want to talk to anyone. You’re hesitant to open up about your trauma. as you worry that your family and friends don’t understand what you’ve been through. But at other times, you feel almost manic. You constantly need to get your emotions off your chest, and you’re tempted to talk to anyone who will listen.

Even if you have been living with these symptoms for years. You do not have to spend your life constrained by stressors. Trauma therapy can help you rewrite your story. Find freedom and happiness in your everyday life again!

Most People Will Live Through A Traumatic Event

Almost everyone will face a traumatic experience at some point in their lives. The cultural conversation around trauma has slowly expanded. People are beginning to become more aware. The word “trauma” does not just apply to witnessing or experiencing violent events. It can also apply to losing a loved one, being in a toxic relationship, or experiencing neglect as a child. Most people will struggle with trauma. But not every traumatic event leaves the same impact on an individual. Everyone experiences and processes trauma differently. Some people will live with the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder long after the events have passed. Treatment for PTSD is here to support you through living a fulfilling life.

Caucasian woman shaking her head with trees around her. Trauma therapy in Pineville, NC will give you the coping skills you need with the support of a trauma therapist

Although the stigma surrounding trauma has lessened. Healing trauma is not a solo endeavor. Trauma is complex, and it can be difficult to identify its roots. Openly talking about trauma is rarely easy. Even if someone has a supportive social circle. They may be nervous about sharing such painful experiences with others.

Plus, It may be hard to recognize that certain symptoms are connected to trauma. You may not always realize the effects of your trauma. Mental and physical health suffers when untreated after trauma. For example, growing up with emotionally or verbally abusive parents. You may think that such an upbringing is “normal” and that it has no effect on their present life.

With the support of a trauma therapist, you will be able to make sense of your trauma. Learn how to get your PTSD symptoms under control. Trauma treatment can help you reduce your vulnerability to triggers and release your anxiety.

Trauma Therapy in Charlotte, NC and Surrounding Areas

We can help you let go of Guilt and Shame

You might be concerned that a trauma therapist would push you to recount painful details. Which leaves you feeling worse. At Inward Counseling, your trauma therapist will provide a safe environment. You can process your feelings without dwelling on memories that could re-traumatize you.

No matter what you’re going through or what PTSD symptoms you’re dealing with. You can say exactly what’s on your mind in trauma therapy. During your sessions, you will learn to reduce your sensitivity to triggers. Feel more at ease as you move through your days!

Man on escalator in a busy facility with many people around. In trauma treatment, you can build awareness through mindfulness. Learn how a trauma therapist in North Carolina can help you.

Before your first session, you will complete an intake form. Questions related to why you’ve decided to seek treatment? What symptoms you’ve been struggling with? In your first sessions, you and your trauma therapist will discuss your childhood and your family history. You may explore the trauma that could be rooted in child abuse or neglect. As well as, other formative events from your childhood.

Inward Counseling practices a body-centered approach to trauma therapy. Your trauma therapist will help you understand how trauma is stored in the body. Why your mental and physical health is deeply connected. You will learn why trauma affects your nervous system. You will learn your fear responses kick in and put you in “fight or flight” mode even when you’re not in physical danger. You’ll develop a deeper awareness of your body and find healthy ways to regulate your nervous system.

You will work with your counselor to cultivate a sense of dual awareness. You will recognize when you need to attend to an emotional wound. You’ll practice staying curious about what your body is trying to tell you through your symptoms.

The best way to cultivate a sense of greater awareness is through mindfulness skills. For example, you might work on breathing exercises, body scans, or meditation. These practices are especially helpful if you struggle with dissociation. You will stay mindful of your surroundings and grounded in your mind and body.

Your therapist can draw from several therapeutic modalities for trauma and PTSD treatment. Through polyvagal theory, you’ll broaden your knowledge of the nervous system. Explore how to regulate your fear responses. Analyzing internal family systems will help you learn to accept and love every part of yourself. Allowing you to feel whole and integrated into your emotional life. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR therapy, can enable you to physically. You will release trauma that your body has held on to.

Additionally, interpersonal neurobiology therapy will allow you to see how the brain can change if you’ve been subjected to psychological abuse in your relationships. Furthermore, your trauma therapist will demonstrate what safe, secure attachment is. You can apply this perspective to your relationships outside of therapy.

At Inward Counseling, we have supported many clients through trauma treatment who have gone on to live happy, fulfilling lives. If past trauma is affecting your quality of life, treatment can help you begin a new chapter.

But You May Still Have Questions About Trauma Therapy…

Will Therapy Retraumatize Me?

At Inward Counseling, we understand that recounting traumatic experiences can heighten your stress. That’s why we emphasize recognizing the mental and physical effects of trauma. Rather than simply encouraging clients to reflect on their traumatic experiences. You will focus on the present state of your mind and body and their reaction to the world around you. You can begin looking forward rather than reliving your trauma.

If I Tough it Out, Will My Symptoms Go Away on Their Own?

You do not have to keep enduring your symptoms on your own. Ignoring the effects of trauma without seeking treatment can worsen your symptoms. In trauma therapy, your counselor will help support you. You will develop the skills you need to manage your symptoms in a healthy way.

I’m Worried That Recovery Will Take so Long That The Effort Won’t be Worth it.

There is no rush to heal on a specific timeline. But, you may see the benefits of trauma therapy earlier than you might assume. Many of our clients begin to notice improvements in their mental health and reduced symptoms after about ten weeks of treatment.

Find Lasting Peace with Trauma Treatment in Charlotte, NC

Begin healing from past trauma! To find out if our trauma therapist is the right choice for you, request a free, 15-minute consultation. Call us at 704-255-5114 to ask questions and learn more about our approach to treatment.

Other Services Offered At Inward Counseling

At Inward Counseling, we offer online therapy. We can also accommodate in-person services at our Charlotte, NC, or Pineville, NC therapy based office. We have a variety of techniques we use to support your healing! We also offer anxiety therapy, depression therapy, couples therapy, and Christian counseling. Feel free to explore our blogs for great reads and tips for managing life’s challenges.


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